For the landmark 50th episode of Cosmic Treadmill, Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) celebrate with the 50th anniversary celebration of DC Comics, and read issue #2 of Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George PĂ©rez! After some creator bios and an exhaustive look at the conditions that created the DC Multiverse, our intrepid comics enthusiasts sift through every appearance of a central figure to Crisis--before the event ever happened! After a break, our Treadmillers summarize issue #1 and detail issue #2 of Crisis on Infinite Earths! And that's all we have time for this week--tune in next Sunday for part two of this series!
Pre-Crisis Monitor Appearances
To our knowledge this is every pre-Crisis appearance of the Monitor. Did we miss any out? Please let us know as we will endeavor to make this as complete a resource as possible.
From New Teen Titans #21 (July, 1982) Marv Wolfman / George Perez |
From New Teen Titans Annual #2 (August, 1983) Marv Wolfman / George Perez |
From Green Lantern (vol.2) #173 (February, 1984) Len Wein / Dave Gibbons |
From Green Lantern (vol.2) #176 (May, 1984) Len Wein / Dave Gibbons |
From Green Lantern (vol.2) #178 (July, 1984) Len Wein / Dave Gibbons |
From Flash #338 (October, 1984) Cary Bates / Carmine Infantino |
From Flash #339 (November, 1984) Cary Bates / Carmine Infantino |
From Tales of the Teen Titans #47 (October, 1984) Marv Wolfman / George Perez |
From Blue Devil #5 (October, 1984) Dan Mishkin / Gary Cohn / Paris Cullins |
From Fury of Firestorm #28 (October, 1984) Gerry Conway / Rafael Kayanan |
From Action Comics #560 (October, 1984) Paul Kupperberg / Alex Saviuk |
From Batman and the Outsiders #14 (October, 1984) Mike W. Barr / Bill Willingham |
From Batman and the Outsiders #15 (November, 1984) Mike W. Barr / Trevor Von Eeden |
From Justice League of America #232 (November, 1984) Kurt Busiek / Alan Kupperberg |
From Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #317 (November, 1984) Paul Levitz / Mindy Newell / Terry Shoemaker |
From Saga of the Swamp Thing #30 (November, 1984) Alan Moore / Steve Bissette |
From Wonder Woman #321 (November, 1984) Dan Mishkin / Don Heck |
From Infinity, Inc. #8 (November, 1984) Roy Thomas / Dann Thomas / Jerry Ordway |
From All-Star Squadron #40 (December, 1984) Roy Thomas / Richard Howell |
From DC Comics Presents #76 (December, 1984) Dan Mishkin / Gary Cohn / Eduardo Barreto |
From Superman #402 (December, 1984) Cary Bates / Curt Swan |
From Swamp Thing #31 (December, 1984) Alan Moore / Rick Veitch |
From Justice League of America #234 (January, 1985)
Gerry Conway / Chuck Patton
From Superman #403 (January, 1985) Paul Kupperberg / Curt Swan |
From World's Finest Comics #311 (January, 1985) Joey Cavalieri / Stan Woch |
From Wonder Woman #323 (January, 1985) Dan Mishkin / Don Heck |
From Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #319 (January, 1985) Paul Levitz / Terry Shoemaker |
From Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #320 (February, 1985) Paul Levitz / Terry Shoemaker |
From Amethyst #2 (February, 1985) Dan Mishkin / Gary Cohn / Ric Estrada |
From Action Comics #564 (February, 1985) Paul Kupperberg / Alex Saviuk |
From DC Comics Presents #78 (February, 1985) Marv Wolfman / Curt Swan |
From G.I. Combat #274 (February, 1985) Robert Kanigher / Sam Glanzman |
From G.I. Combat #275 (March, 1985) Robert Kanigher / Sam Glanzman |
From Warlord #91 (March, 1985) Cary Burkett / Dan Jurgens |
From Jonah Hex #90 (April, 1985) Michael Fleisher / Gray Morrow |
From Batman #384 (June, 1985) Doug Moench / Rick Hoberg |
From Tales of the Teen Titans #58 (October, 1985) Marv Wolfman / Chuck Patton |