Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 69:
The Pro. (2002)
By Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Image Comics
Step into our budoir, comics enthusiasts. In this sinfully sultry episode Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) delve into the "bluer" side of funnybooks when they read Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner, and Jimmy Palmiotti's prestige format The Pro. published by Image Comics in 2002! After some squeaky clean creator bios, and a downright pleasant review of the conditions at Image Comics that made this comic book possible, our intrepid but tepid explorers spelunk the seedy and slightly sticky pages of The Pro., with some dialogue altered to preserve decency. After revealing some thoughts on the book, there's a list of times characters did the nasty in mainstream comic books. It's an episode that will put your partner in the mood...to leave the room!
Here's what a Pro. Pro has to say about the episode:
Thanks for listening, Jimmy! You made our day too!